Crate refinery_core

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  • Represents a schema migration to be run on the database, this struct is used by the embed_migrations! macro to gather migration files and shouldn’t be needed by the user
  • Struct that represents the report of the migration cycle, a Report instance is returned by the Runner::run and Runner::run_async methods via Result<Report, Error>, on case of an Error during a migration, you can access the Report with
  • Struct that represents the entrypoint to run the migrations, an instance of this struct is returned by the embed_migrations! macro. Runner should not need to be instantiated manually


  • enum containing the migration types used to search for migrations either just .sql files or both .sql and .rs
  • An enum set that represents the target version up to which refinery should migrate, it is used by Runner


  • find migrations on file system recursively across directories given a location and MigrationType
  • Loads SQL migrations from a path. This enables dynamic migration discovery, as opposed to embedding. The resulting collection is ordered by version.
  • Parse a migration filename stem into a prefix, version, and name.